Marissa and I were SO excited to decorate our gingerbread house this year. Last year we had fun, but felt a bit cheated because we decorated graham crackers instead of a real gingerbread house. So, months ago we found a great pre-baked gingerbread house decorating kit. The walls and roof were already baked AND the kit contained the decorations and icing. Viola! We had it made!! Well, we held onto that kit for months, knowing that when the time was right we'd snuggle together and go to the kitchen to build and decorate the perfect gingerbread house! We did it last weekend, only right before we were to build the house, and in the midst of her excitement, Marissa accidentally dropped the kit on the kitchen hardwood floor. The roof broke apart, but everything else looked okay. Not to be dissuaded, we bravely forged ahead. But I have to tell you, the icing in the kit was the pits. Combine that with the broken roof and our house just DID NOT want to stay together. After fighting sagging walls and horrible "cement," I let Marissa eat part of the house and decorations. We let our crumbling house sit around the kitchen all weekend, then tossed it when we gathered trash Sunday night.
So, this week at the grocery store, we bought fresh graham crackers and decorations and went back to what we know...a Christmas graham cracker house!! I must say, it's not the prettiest we've done, but we sure had a blast doing it. Marissa gets to taste all the pieces before they are placed (she's a great QC girl) and she pre-approves any decorating we do. All in all, I'm sure we'll see what next year brings, but we just might have to stick with the graham crackers. We can only go up from there.
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