For several months, Marissa has been incredibly intrigued, on a mission really, to learn about the human body. Almost daily, we visit You Tube (with VERY strict monitors) to see videos about babies in the womb, human bone formation, blood flow in the body...you get the picture. The interest only deepens, so last week when we were at Costco, Marissa saw "The Human Body Book" while we were browsing an aisle. She didn't beg or ask to buy the book, but was SO interested in seeing it that I told her she could carry it in the cart and read it while I shopped. She LOVED that huge book. As she looked at it, she kept expressing delight at the pictures and asking what everything was. She was breathing almost shallowly with joy! Well, of course, I bought it to much excitement! She reads it daily (several times a day) and asks so many questions. She can tell you basics about blood cells, babies in the womb, etc. She has asked to take "bone classes" and when she found out there aren't any, she says she will go to medical school (need a roommate, Kelli?), but she doesn't want to be a doctor. She says she just wants to LEARN about the body! She is such a joy!

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