Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Joy In Life

Everyone wants joy. I watched a few minutes of Oprah yesterday and even she was speaking of joy that was missing in her life. Joy is something we can't put our finger on when we try to describe it, yet we know it when we have it. We can be happy without joy, but we cannot be joyful without being happy.
Marissa is such a joyful child. I pray that joy will stay with her, that she will allow it and feel it, live it fully as an adolescent and adult. I know joy is not complete without Jesus Christ behind it. I've lived life with me in charge, and I never want to go back to "Terri in charge." I want that same joy with Jesus for Marissa. She lives it now. I pray we lead her in this life to live it always. May her light keep shining for Jesus. May we all.


Anonymous said...

Terri, Beautifully said!

Mike and Judy said...

Thank you for such uplifting words.
-- Judy